Friday, August 23, 2013

Let's start with the positives... Sam might be getting his other chest tube out tomorrow. If so, there's a chance he could be moved to Evergreen on Sunday where he will be closer to his family. 

Sam finally got shaved by his brother and dad. 

And, got Burger Master delivered to him by Burger Master themselves. 

The not so positives... Sam is having a very difficult time sleeping. It sounds like it's a result of a few things- the pain, a noisy neighbor, and thinking about the accident. Although he has made some incredible strides, I know that Sam could use continued prayers and positive thoughts. I think the reality of it all is starting to sink in a bit.

I feel like it wouldn't be right to end a post without expressing our gratitude to everyone that has helped the Eastmans this past week. It's amazing to see just how many people care for and love them.  So, thank you. 

1 comment:

  1. Burgermaster doesn't deliver. That was a MIL delivery.
