Saturday, August 24, 2013

Update from Allison:  Sam is not doing well.  He's in an incredible amount of pain and we're fighting to get him back to the level of pain meds he should be on.  He's really upset about not being moved.  He is not getting to look out a window or have any fresh air and he's not dealing well with that.  He's not getting very much rest due to noise and people so he's more agitated.  Tonight we talked about relying on prayer to get us through this.  He needs comfort of peace at this time.  He knows how lucky he is, but the reality is hard to deal with at the same time.


  1. Just so sad. Thanks Skates for the updates.

  2. Sam, I got a phone call from my parents this evening informing me of your situation. Sending you all of our love, thoughts, and prayers for a healthy speedy recovery. Love you!

    Sam Baxter
